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Lumina Spezia Support

User instruction manual

If you've misplaced your user manual, there's no need to fret. You can readily obtain a copy from our website. Simply click on the designated button provided below to dowload your manual. It's a swift and effortless process!

Download Manual

Frequently asked questions

Here, we've compiled a list of common queries that our customers often have, along with comprehensive answers to help resolve any uncertainties you may have. If you don't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to our customer support team for further assistance.

Basic Tips for All:
1-Always turn the handwheel TOWARDS you (counter clockwise) as turning it in the opposite direction (away from you, clockwise) may knock the timing out requiring repair from a service center.
2-Always be sure your presser foot is in the DOWN position before sewing. Sewing with the presser foot in the up position will cause your thread to tangle and your bobbin to jam.
3-Change needles regularly (after every 6 - 8 hours of use) as dull/weak needles can cause damage to your machine and fabric.
4-Always be sure you are using the correct bobbin for your machine. However, using the incorrect bobbin class in your machine can cause damage.

Stay tunned, more videos are coming soon!

Check our Youtube channel.

Our instructional videos have been created to provide comprehensive information on the features and tricks of our Lumina sewing machines, making it easier for you.

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If for any reason you cannot find what you are looking for in our support area of the machine, you are welcome to send in a quick email via our contact page and a member of our team will be in touch to support you.

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